Saturday, August 10, 2013

Being Present ....... And Being a Teacher

These last two weeks included going into my classroom to slowly work on things. I love where I work and what I do. I have had team leader meetings, meetings for a differentiation presentation, and have gotten time in my classroom to set up. 

Almost set up!

This all gets me excited for my next group of students, but also brings some worries. I have previously struggled with being present for my daughter during the school year and I am worried about falling into the same patterns again. Starting next week, I will have many things on my plate: my classroom, my Master's classes, and spending time with Madison (including bringing her to all of her practices). 

I would love to hear everyone's tricks on staying balanced throughout the school year! I'm sure someone out there is an expert- or at least more proficient than I am. Help!

I want to be a perfect mom, student, teacher, daughter.... Maybe that is shooting too high! LOL I just can't see letting any of those slip.

I need to consciously be aware of scheduling time (not procrastinating) and sticking to my schedule. I am going to focus on this and hope that I see better balance this school year than last. 

I will just have to remember this adorable face so I can stay focused, be efficient, and get time to spend with Madison!


  1. Cute room! I love those crates you made at your table! I made some for my classroom too...gotta love pinterest! I'm sure you will do a great job with your balance act this year. Good luck!

  2. Your room is looking great, Ashley!
